Dealers in : Wall Papers & Posters, Vinyl Floorings & Carpets, Blinds, Glass Films & Door Mats.
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Wall Paper

We offer you a wide range of wall papers in design, shades and textures in local and imported wall papers. Our collection includes wall papers for your homes, offices, kids, hotels, showrooms, hospitals and others.

  • Residence:
  • Select from our range of plain, bright, embossed, geometric design, floral arts available in various colors and patterns.

  • Kids Room:
  • Make your kids happy with a collection of various cartoon and colorful designs on the walls and ceilings in their rooms.

  • Commercial:
  • We offer our clients a variety of light designs, colors, plain, textured and embossed wall papers to suit their office requirements. Be it your meeting rooms, cabins, waiting rooms, conference rooms, cafeteria, server room, reception and others, we have a collection that suits your requirement for sure.

  • Hotels and Hospitals:
  • Choose from light and bright shades of our collection for your hotels and hospitals to give brightness to your walls.