Dealers in : Wall Papers & Posters, Vinyl Floorings & Carpets, Blinds, Glass Films & Door Mats.
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Vinyl Flooring

We welcome you to our collection of world class vinyl floorings for residence, offices, factories, showrooms, hotels, hospitals, sports club and others. Our floorings can be applied on all types of surfaces including stairs. We have a collection of local and imported vinyl floorings available in the form of rolls, tiles and strips.

Vinyl floorings are daily washable & easy to maintain and use. The installation is less time consuming as compared to other floorings. It can be applied on your initial flooring without breaking the floor. In case your initial flooring has been damaged, all it requires is a small repair for smoothing of the floor before installation of the vinyl flooring.

  • Rolls :
  • We give you a collection of plain, marble and granite design, wooden finish, floral and other designs in various shades and sizes in the roll forms. We have a collection of vinyl flooring rolls in plain, embossed, matt and glossy finish ranging from thickness of 1 mm to 3 mm and above home, office, factories, hotels, hospitals, showrooms and others.

  • Tiles :
  • Vinyl flooring is available in the tile form of sizes from 12 x 12 inches and 18 x 18 inches ranging in thickness from 1.5 mm to 3 mm and above. Our collection includes various shades and colors including tiles that give you feel of carpets.

  • Strips :
  • Wooden finish vinyl floorings are also available in the form of strips in thickness from 1.5 mm to 3 mm and above. We have a collection of such strips in plain as well as embossed form which give you a look and feel of natural wooden floorings.