Dealers in : Wall Papers & Posters, Vinyl Floorings & Carpets, Blinds, Glass Films & Door Mats.
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Your search for all your requirements for doormats for commercial as well as residential purpose ends here. We provide you a wide collection of doormats and rugs for all your purposes. Our collection includes rugs, bath mats, plastic mats, rubber mats and sheets, door mats for entrance, bathrooms, living rooms, kitchens, kids rooms, offices, cabins, receptions etc. Our collection caters all our clients from residence to any commercial premises including hotels and hospitals.

  • Rugs :
  • Rugs are available in coir, jute, rubber, pvc and synthetic materials in various widths ranging from 1.5 fts to 6fts and above and various qualities and shades.

  • Bath Mats :
  • Anti skid bathroom mats for protecting you from injuries inside the bathrooms are available in various designs and colors.

  • Doormats :
  • We have a collection of more than 100 varieties of doormats meeting your needs for entrances, living rooms, kids rooms, offices, receptions, bathrooms and others. These are available in various materials like plastic, cotton, jute, coir, rubber. Our collection includes washable and anti skid mats in various shades, patterns, sizes and colors.